KONAMI Digital Entertainment 2014 – 2018
KONAMI Digital Entertainment B.V. – Yu-Gi-Oh! – Fairs
Yu-Gi-Oh! at Gamescom
Since 2014, we support Konami in the conception and organization of the trade fair appearance of Yu-Gi-Oh! as part of Gamescom. The focus is on the demonstration of the trading card game Yu-Gi-Oh! and the sale of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Products.
For all newcomers our experienced promoter team is ready with the newest game mechanics and explains the principles of the game. Meanwhile experienced Yu-Gi-Oh! Players can duel at official tournaments. In addition, our shop offers both current and rare out of print products for sale. As a special highlight, there is a free photo box in which you can turn yourself into a Yu-Gi-Oh! Card.
Every year there is also a special: In 2016 + 2018, players could compete against a winner of the German or even European Championships in our “Duel the Master” event. In 2017 + 2018, the download game “Duel Links” was promoted and the kids could try the game on oversized touchscreens. For the first time, tournaments were also offered for Duel Links in 2018, which was enthusiastically and widely accepted by the audience.
In addition to the conception and organization of the exhibition stand, we are responsible for the provision of the personnel.
Our tasks:
- Conception of the booth
- Casting, Selection and Training of the Promotion Team
- Coordination of assembly and dismantling as well as technical support
- Production of banners and other printed material
- Conception and production of the photo box
- Equipment Logistics
- On-site support
- Sales and Inventory Coordination
- Extensive reporting & Photo documentation
Internationale Spieletage in Essen
Here, too, we supported KONAMI 2018 for the second time at the SPIEL in Essen – from the provision of personnel to the design of the trade fair stand and the support of the fair. </ p>
With an active demonstration of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, the chance to take part in a tournament, the interactive Duel Links Tower and a shop, we made both existing players and new players more than happy. We are pleased to have once again offered KONAMI a visually appealing and budget-oriented stand as well as qualified and friendly staff.
Our tasks:
- Conception of the booth
- Casting, Selection and Training of the Promotion Team
- Coordination of assembly and dismantling as well as technical support
- Equipment Logistics
- Selection and Provision of Mission Clothing
- On-site support
- Sales and Inventory Coordination
- Extensive reporting & Photo documentation
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